A heartfelt message from CEO Rachel Tungate
24th April 2023
I just wanted to take this opportunity of personally thanking ALL the funders that have and still continue to support our work.
Our most recent funding of £65,000 from Global’s Make some Noise was incredibly well received and really blew me away when I was told. One of the conditions of the funding is that it is spent over the next two years, 35,000 will be utilised this year and into early 2024, the remainder will be spent during 2024 and early 2025.
Every grant and donation that we receive, however large or small, is absolutely invaluable to a charity such as Kool Carers, as every penny goes towards making a significant difference to our beneficiaries.
We still have £150,000 to secure for next year, inorder for all our current provision to be able to continue and I give you my word that I am working very hard to sustain the longer term sustainability and future of Kool Carers alongside my dedicated staff team.
All your encouraging words and feedback through our social media channels and emails, means the world and just reinforces how much Kool Carers is respected and regarded as a highly valued community resource.
Thank you all so much.
Rachel x