Kool Carers South East Limited Health and Safety Policy
Charity No: 1179010
Kool Carers South East Limited accepts and recognises its responsibility for providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy work place and working environment for all staff, volunteers and anyone else who may be involved in its work activities.
For the purposes of this Policy reference to ‘staff’ will also mean employees and volunteers.
Kool Carers South East Limited, in order to meet this responsibility, will take all reasonable steps paying particular attention to the provision of the following:
v To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health by providing adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities by undertaking risk assessments.
v To notify Essex Youth Service personnel of any concerns raised in relation to the safety and healthy working conditions within any Essex County Council building that is utilised by Kool Carers South East Limited in the carrying out of its business.
v To provide appropriate information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure employees and volunteers are competent to carry out their duties.
v To provide a safe place of work, with accessible access and egress, in case of a fire or other significant incident.
v To ensure evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated as necessary.
v To ensure adequate welfare and first aid facilities are in place.
All levels of management are made aware that they have a general duty to ensure that the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, is implemented to take all reasonable steps to safeguard and promote the health, safety and welfare of staff and any other persons who may be affected by our work activities.
The co-operation of staff and volunteers is vital to the successful implementation of this Health and Safety Policy.
Each member of staff has a responsibility to work in such a way as to avoid and prevent accidents or damage to health to themselves or to others, to co-operate with management and to obey all reasonable instructions in order to achieve a safe and healthy working environment. It is the responsibility of all staff to report accidents, assaults and actual or potential hazards to the Project Manager, Rachel Tungate without delay.
Any action or failure to act which threatens the health and safety of a staff member or any other person who may be affected by our work may constitute a breach of discipline amounting to gross misconduct and/or breach of Health and Safety legislation.
This Policy will be reviewed every three years, or sooner if considered necessary.
Signed: Rachel Tungate Project Manager
Last Updated: March 2024