Kool Carers Silent Movie and Drama Sessions

Sunday 12th
February saw the start of our drama
and silent movie production sessions with George
The session started off with introductions, fun
games, and miming sessions to portray how our
mornings had been so far. Being a Sunday
morning there was lots of dramatic eye rubbing,
yawning and stretching.
George then introduced the concept of silent
movies to the young carers, we watched a few
clips of many famous silent movie stars and
started to look at how the scenes were acted out
and how the camera had shot the scene.
Young carers were then asked to think about a
short 1 minute mini clip that they would like to
film. The group sat and wrote the scene and then
went searching for props.
After a short break George showed them how to
use the camera and all the carers spoke about
​how what shots they would like to capture on
This was an amazing session with the young carers
that attended. There was lots of opportunity for
them to use skills that they can use elsewhere in
their every day lives.

Sunday 26 February 
Yet another fantastic session delivered by George. We started the session with some ice breaker games and an introduction to two new attendees. We looked at an old Charlie Chaplin film and spoke about how the music and exaggerated gestures help relay the story and emotion without using any speech. 
Young carers then started to film a scene built around the storyboarding from the previous session. It became very apparent that the young carers had a clear vision of how they wanted to shoot and light the scene. There was some great teamwork and some great individual performances with some clear leadership shining through.  I am really looking forward to seeing what the young carers produce in the next few weeks when it comes to editing the scene.