Kool Carers Behaviour in sessions 2024

All staff and young carers should feel safe and respected when attending any Kool Carers provision, for many it is their only form of respite from their caring responsibilities and we want everyone to feel valued, whilst being able to have fun.

Following discussions with staff and members of the trustee board, it has been decided that where any young carer chooses to swear aggressively at others, or act with physical aggression towards another young carer or staff member, they will be asked to leave the session; a member of staff will telephone the young carer’s parent or carer to explain why their child is being asked to leave and to request that their child is collected immediately.   Furthermore, if a young carer is asked to leave a session, they will be required to miss the next session two weeks after, during which time we hope they will take time to reflect and hopefully learn from this.  After missing a session, they will then be very welcome to return, as long as the aggressive behaviour has ceased.

We trust that you understand why we have had to put these measures in place. We have a truly amazing staff team, who are dedicated and passionate in supporting your children and who will always go the extra mile, but we can not allow staff and young carers to be aggressively sworn at or disrespected in any way.

If any parent or carer wishes to discuss the action we are taking, please feel free to contact the Kool Carers office: 01268 555935, or email contact@koolcarers.co.uk.