External Complaints Policy


External Complaints Procedure


Company Name: Kool carers South East Ltd

Location: Kool Carers Office, Unit 1, Tustkite Business Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, SS16 4UH




Kool Carers South East Ltd view third party complaints (Complaints outside the organisation) as an opportunity to learn and improve its future service as well as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint. Our policy is to:

  • Provide a fair external complaints procedure which is concise and easy to use.
  • Publicise the external complaints procedure on our website so people know how to make a complaint.
  • Ensure all staff know the external complaint process and staff know what to do should an external complaint is received.
  • Ensure that external complaints wherever possible are resolved and relationships are repaired.
  • To gather all necessary information to investigate the concerns and help the charity to improve on its performance.

Definition of a complaint

An external complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of the charity. Complaints may come from beneficiaries, customers, organisations or anyone else regarding the charity or charity shop’s service.

Complaints can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing.


Complaint information will be handled sensitively and only shared on a need to know basis. The charity will follow any relevant data protection requirements, and safeguarding policies and procedures.

Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the charity CEO and the board of trustees. This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as required.






Complaints procedure

  • Written complaints can be sent to the charity at:

Kool Carers South East Ltd,

Unit 1 Tustkite Business Park,

Pitsea Hall Lane,

SS16 4UH

OR by Email on:


Rachel.tungate@koolcarers.co.uk (Charity CEO)

  • Verbal complaints can be made by phone to the office number on 01268 555 935, the office mobile phone held by Julie Baker and Amy Owens-Deboo on 07946 345 632, or the Charities CEO Rachel Tungate on 07899 986 329. Verbal complaints can also be made in person to any of the charities staff, volunteer’s or board of trustees.
  • If the individual of organisation want to contact the board of trustees directly they can call Colin Campbell on 07505 041 316.



Receiving Complaints

Complaints received by phone or in person will be recorded by:

  • The Kool Carers staff member writing a clear account of the facts, whilst obtaining the complainants contact details.
  • The Kool Carers staff member may ask for the complainant to write a written and signed/dated account/statement in their own words for the investigation and will ensure that they know where to send the information and for whose attention it should be marked.
  • The KC staff member will advise of the the next steps and the timeframe involved.

Resolving complaints part 1

In many cases complaints can be resolved in person after they have expressed their issues to a staff member. If the issue is within the staff members control to resolve the issue promptly they will do so swiftly and appropriately. Regardless if the complaint has been resolved or not this should be reported back to the office team within one the week of the complaint happening.

Office staff will record the complaint and hand it on to the appropriate person to resolve or investigate the issue. If the complaint relates to a specific individual they will be informed and given a fair opportunity to respond.

The complaint will be acknowledged by the CEO and dealt with appropriately within one week of the complaint being received. If an investigation needs to take place the charity will aim to conclude their investigations within a 4 week time frame with a written report at the end. Whether the complaint is justified or not, the CEO will reply to the complainant and describe an actions that have taken place along with a conclusion to the investigation.

Resolving a complaint’s part 2

If the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved after being reviewed and given a decision by the CEO, the complainant can request for the complaint to go further to the board of trustees.

The CEO will pass the complaint to the board of trustees who will then review and investigate the case. If the complaint relates to a specific individual they will be informed and given a fair opportunity to respond.

The complaint will be acknowledged by the board of trustees and dealt with appropriately within one week. If an investigation needs to take place the charity will aim to conclude their investigations within a 4 week time frame with a written report at the end. However, if the complaint is complex the issue may take longer than 4 weeks.  Whether the complaint is upheld or not, the board of trustees will reply to the complainant and describe any action that they have taken place along with a conclusion to the investigation. These investigations may require interviews and written statements by the complainant.

If the board of trustees cannot resolve the complaint they may seek external assistance.

Resolving complaint’s part 3

If the charity’s CEO or board of trustees do not resolve the complaint to the complainants satisfaction, the complainant can make contact with the charity commission through the regulators website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-comission

Monitoring Complaints

The charity will review complaints regularly to identify any trends which may indicate a learning need within the charity and take necessary action.


Agreed by the CEO and Trustee Board on             1st   March 2024


To be reviewed on: 1st  March 2025, or earlier if there is a change in policy or legislation.


Rachel Tungate 


CEO Rachel Tungate on behalf of the trustee board.