If you wish to contact us about anything other than making a referral please email Contact@KoolCarers.co.uk
If you are an organisation, a family member or a young carer and you would like to make a referral for a young carer to attend a project facilitated by Kool Carers South East Ltd, please complete the online referral form. Please ensure that if you are an organisation making the referral, the young carer’s family is aware that a referral is being made.
Once we receive an initial referral, we will then contact the young carer’s family direct, in-order for our young carers assessment to be completed. This process will help us to begin to gain a holistic insight into what life is like for the young carer and their family. Once our young carers assessment is completed, we will be able to discuss when the young carer is likely to be offered a place on the project. We intentionally keep our groups small, usually the maximum is 15 young people in each group, to allow young carers the opportunity to build relationships with each other and the staff team, whilst having the time to access one to one support should they choose to do so.